HDMI cables – The smarter option

Technology has improved by leaps and bounds over the last few years. One commodity replaces another and this is applicable in almost every field. Even within the field of TV electronics we have seen innovations over the years and currently making waves are HDMI cables.

Research gives HDMI cables the thumbs-up

Three years ago research showed that an approximate 140 million HDMI TV sets were purchased all over the world. Those who are using HDMI cables have ever since appreciated their advantages and given them a thumbs up; but for those who have not this article shall tell you just why HDMI cables are definitely the smarter choice.

Why HDMI is the smart choice?

HDMI cables digitise data and hence the data is not compressed and sent across in an analogue format. This works in your favour as the audio/video signals remain distortion-free and the signal is never lost. This is mainly because earlier one would have analogue to digital conversions which may lead to disturbances. HDMI cables eliminate this process and thus consequently the disturbances.

These cables also utilise more than the actual bandwidth available. As a result, it can support further innovations such as Dolby and Deep Colour. It can also support over 3.96 Gbps for video and the 24-bit eight channel for audio. HDMI cables are cost-effective too. Previously, one would connect three video connections for a High Definition (HD) audio/video signal. However, HDMI cables mean that all these facilities are provided within a single connection itself.

Surveys reveal that HDMI cables are the most bought TV cables around the world. With the number of benefits they provide, it is hard to disagree.

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